Monday, March 9, 2009

Awakening To Spirit

You have probably heard the phrase that states we are not human beings having a spiritual experience but spiritual beings having a human experience. Have you thought about what this really means? Do you believe it? Have you given it any thought? Can you relate to this idea?

Most of us, when we begin our human lives, are born into families that practice a specific religion or follow some type of moral code. Many, if not most, of us tend to embrace the knowing that if we follow the rules and are good, we will be rewarded in some type of afterlife. These teachings create a structure for the adherents of the belief system - a structure for organizing one's way of life and providing a goal of reaching the ideal state where one can obtain the reward for being a dutiful follower. This is religion and is created to be tribal and protective and safe.

At some point, however, it appears to be built into our DNA to start questioning the rules. Part of our growing up as humans is to rebel so that we may differentiate from our families and tribes. Some of us will be frightened as we experience this process and rush back into the fold. Many eventually make the transition from being 'religious' to calling themselves 'spiritual'. How many people do you hear say - 'I am not religious, but I am spiritual'? Do you just accept this as somebody saying the do not want to follow the rules of a specific religion or do you question what they mean when they proclaim this?

Since I am one of those people that has been known to utter this statement on many occasions, I thought it would be appropriate to explain what this means to me. I do not adhere to the rules of any specific religion but I have a very close relationship with my higher power, whom I will refer to as God or Spirit. The names mean exactly the same to me. I know that a Spark of the Divine resides within me just as it resides in each and every human being. I choose not to pray to God or Spirit, but to merge with the essence of the I AM presence since I am aware that God is in everything. And from that place of merging with God, I know that I am more than the human being I appear to be - I am part of Spirit and part of all that exists. I know that I have walked this planet in other lifetimes in other human incarnations, but at my core, it is Spirit that is inhabiting this human body.

And just as I know this about myself, I know this is true for every other human being - regardless of where they are on the spectrum of belief. We are all here, inhabiting human bodies, following rules or not, learning lessons or not - it does not matter what we believe. It does not matter because we are all from Spirit. And as we come to know this about ourselves, we are then waking up into spirit. We come to know our soul, our path, and our purpose. We know how to stand in the flow of God's Loving and alllow God's Light to shine through our human selves. And at last, we can truly own the reality that we are truly spiritual beings having a human existence and there is no reason to 'try' to be more spiritual human beings.
