Sunday, July 25, 2010


Several weeks ago I had to undergo a nuclear medicine scan as the final step in diagnosing a medical condition. For six weeks I was not allowed to take my thyroid medication and this left me tired, irritable, and generally not feeling well. On top of this, I am quite (maybe very is a better adjective) claustrophobic and was anxious about the possibility of being “pinned” under some big medical machine.

Rather than take tranquilizers, which was one option, I opted to meditate my way through this 2 hour 45 minute scan. When I first arrived at the local hospital for my scan, the first thing the technician asked me was whether or not I knew it was a long test. This was not the first time that fact had been mentioned, so I answered in the affirmative. As we started, she told me I was required to lie still for 2 hours. Perfectly still. Oy.

Being the obedient person that I am, I settled in as comfortably as possible and prepared myself to be still for that length of time. I soon realized that this was not a claustrophobia provoking set up but the machine was still pretty darn close to me. I began chanting the Names of God that were given me at my initiation onto the Path of Sound and Light. I chanted and chanted. After a while, I decided to call on my Spiritual Teachers to appear in their Radiant Forms. My spiritual path teaches that our teachers lead us back home to God. Sometimes they are visible as blue and purple light but they may also appear in their radiant forms. I interpret this to mean they look like their human forms but in a more translucent, astral version

Normally, when I meditate, I wait for the colored light. This may have been the first time I called on them to appear in Radiant Form. I found myself observing my Radiant Form rise up to meet with them. Together we all traveled to the place where Soul meets God. I found myself at the place where my Divine Spark met with Divinity. I have been to this place in the past and it is a very wonderful place to be.

While there, I found myself being shown two very important Truths. The first is that our Souls animate our bodies. As we are Spiritual Beings enjoying (or sometimes not so much enjoying) a Human Experience, it is our Spirit, or Soul, that gives or human bodies their life force. This reminded me of the movie, “Avatar”, that was such a hit last winter. In the movie, the humans animated the Avatars that were made in the image of the inhabitants of the planet “Pandora”. In the “truth” I was shown, the experience of soul animating human body was quite similar.

This realization led to the second Truth. After our bodies are gone, after our human experience is complete and we die, our essence in the form of Soul continues. We do not end. Death is not an ending to our existence. We, as Souls, continue on and nothing really changes at all for us – except for the fact that we are free from illusion of the limitations of being “human”.
