Monday, June 8, 2020

Yesterday a friend contacted me asking for my opinion about a discussion she was having with another friend of hers. It centered around whether or not George Floyd deserved to be the "face" of "Black Lives Matter" due to circumstances surrounding his past criminal activity, the fact that he was found to be using drugs, and other character "flaws". My immediate reaction was this:
"I think George Floyd is the face of the straw that broke the camel's back. He is one in a long line of black people killed unjustly - whether it be the police, white supremacists, or any other extremist. His murder shined the light on systemic issues about the way black people have been treated unfairly for centuries. We might as well say Derek Chauvin is the face of police brutality and oppression but he wasn't the first, and what the current protesters are showing us, he isn't going to be the last.
There are so many ways to look at systemic problems in the black community but we cannot let this be an excuse or a crutch to allow things to remain the same. I don't think they can remain the same. And we cannot allow the attitude of law enforcement (or those who feel it is justified to use force no matter what) remain the same. I think this is a huge turning point for society and I certainly hope we, as a society, are able to rationally and sanely rise to the occasion."
I am not a person of color and have not had the experiences that would even give me the right to speak for people of color, but I am not trying to speak on behalf of anybody but myself. I am a person whose overriding reason for being is to live in God's Loving and Light - and this divisiveness is not lending itself to that end.
It saddens me to see posts on social media passing judgment on others for their choice of words about the phrasing of their beliefs. It saddens me to see people I know, care about, and respect perpetuating divisiveness. I agree that things cannot continue status quo and we, as a society, must work toward a solution. But, I do not think this will happen unless we learn to work toward unity - and that, in my opinion, will not be possible until we can look beyond the things that separate us make a concerted effort to move toward the oneness we are created to dwell within.
My plea for all, no matter what your background and color, is to meditate on whether or not this is something that would be acceptable to God (in whatever form you worship a higher power). Thank you for considering this!

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

It is a very sad time here in America. I have lived through a lot - more than some, less than some and I have never felt so much despair. I am an Empath so I feel everybody's emotions and it is currently overwhelming.
Right now, I sit in my quiet house in a city that is being torn apart by fear. The fear is manifesting itself in the form of protest, shouting, minor "rioting" in the form of throwing things, property damage, blocking traffic, and police retaliation. Every day it is the same. Although yesterday, which was Day 4, there were no arrests.
Other cities, major cities around the US, are not so lucky and are experiencing major physical destruction, looting that is out of control, and physical harm/injury/death. My heart hurts for all.
My Facebook feed is filled with statements justifying the reasons this is happening - valid reasons based on the history of race relations, police treatment of persons of color, and inequality for hundreds of years.
But these words, though true, are impotent without movement toward a real plan for change. George Floyd's family has gone on record asking that he would not have wanted this tearing apart of the country to be his legacy. They have requested an end to all of this but it still continues.
How do we move forward? How do we heal? How does a country called the United States actually really become "Indivisible with Liberty and Justice FOR ALL"? That is a big challenge since this country has never truly lived up to its name - we have never been the United States. Fear is allowing forces of darkness overpower the Loving and the Light. How do we combat that fear? How do we bring in the Light to our country and end the division that so many unenlightened people (from the top leadership down to the white supremacists) are working so hard to maintain?
The only answer I have for myself is to hold space for the Loving and the Light. Maybe right now, rather than explain away what is happening, the best we can do is hold the space for Grace to descend upon our country...