I have recently been struggling with the concept of "mind". On my meditation path, the mind is considered one of the realms that must be navigated in order to reach the soul level and beyond. Returning to Soul is returning home to God and our God-self, which is the ultimate goal for the person who ascribes to the belief that we are spiritual beings having a human experience.
Based on my own personal experience, as well as conversations with friends, I am learning that the mind tends to create obstacles to the process of returning to soul. It is a "trickster". In an effort to remain in control, the mind does everything in its power to keep us in the third dimension by throwing us into our emotions and by asking us to come up with explanations for everything that is happening in us, to us, around us, and through us. Both emotions and explanations cause us to focus on the lower realms. We tend to become attached to the need to know what is going on and why we feel the way we do. This becomes distracting noise that throws us off track.
So, what can we do to move beyond this? Although it is not an easy task, I believe we serve ourselves best by learning to detach from our feelings and our need to have an explanation for everything. One means to accomplish this is to turn everything over to God. Anything that is not of God is, after all, an illusion. Our human lives are merely temporary - Spirit's vehicle for manifesting a human experience. As we move toward ascension to the fifth dimension, we no longer need to focus on the human experience because we are moving back to Spirit and God. As we move toward the new paradigm, we learn to recognize our emotions as pointers to the holes in our soul that are in need of repair. Once we enter the new paradigm, we realize there is nothing at all that we need - we are complete in God and no longer are slaves to our mind and feelings. We can truly say, "never mind".
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