Sunday, October 11, 2015

The Transmutation of Judgment Into Loving

I am the first to admit I am very judgmental.  I want to place the root of this at being raised by a very judgmental mother.  Or, I can say I am an Empath (true) and "blame" my judgment on carrying the emotions/judgments of others.  Both of these have a seed of truth in them but I do not want to make excuses.  Bottom line, judging is not in alignment with the Loving and the Divine being I know I am!

I have been waking up to this duality and discrepancy in my life.  As I share things with others that are judgmental, I have an awareness that this not of the Loving.  I accept that I am human and that the judgment comes from my human-ness.  It is hard to live in this world of duality and not fall into the human traps.  Or so I tell myself.

Today, as I was reviewing the judgments I have passed on a particular person and things I have said about "never really liking him",  I was able to see full on that  I was judging  his human persona and not the Divine within him and, more than that, I was not coming from a place of Loving. I was struck by the fact that I can rationalize my failure to be in the Loving by passing it off as my being human without seeing that in the other person!  And then, within less than an hour, I witnessed negative thoughts about a person and a situation that has nothing to do with me but I am carrying this for somebody else. And I have been aware for a while that this is a task that I often take on as an Empath.

Each time I had this realization today, I decided to choose into Loving!  And each time, I immediately felt my one-ness with the Loving and my one-ness with God.  It almost seems too easy.  But it IS that easy.  I am what I focus upon.  I am capable of choosing where to place my focus. Yes, I am human and live in a world of duality.  Yes, my ego tries to trip me up by pointing my focus on the physical, emotional, or mental realms - sometimes more than one at the same time.  But I have a choice!  I can focus on the Loving.  I can focus on my one-ness with God.  I can be the alchemist of my human-ness and transmute things not in alignment with my Soul and God. And when I reach the place of one-ness and Loving, I do not have to judge myself for being out of alignment.  I simply  own that I AM THAT I AM!


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